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Showing posts from February, 2020

Blood! Blood! BLOOD! And Death...

People are dropping like flies around here! First it's King Duncan, then it's Banquo, and now Macduff's kin? Who's gonna be next? Will it be me? Or maybe King Macbeth? Nobody's safe around here anymore. I have a feeling someone else is going to die soon, but who? It'd be smart for all of us to get out of here, run far away, before someone else gets hurt. I'd be packing my things now if i wasn't afraid of being seen as a traitor for running... Oh well. I guess if I die here, I won't die a traitor so that's a plus. -A.S

Macbeth Has Gone Mad...

Macbeth is insane! Everyone was just trying to have a nice dinner to celebrate Macbeth coming to the throne when that wack-a-doodle started yelling at nothing but thin air. Talk about awkward... Even Lady Macbeth looked quite embarrassed by his actions. I'm not sure how I feel about Macbeth being king anymore. We can't have some looney running things, God knows what he'll do. I hope he can pull himself together and convince everyone once again that he is the mighty king that we all hoped he would be. He has the potential to be such a good king. In a way, Macbeth is like Jack the Ripper, he is to die for... -A.S.

What A Lovely Banquet

All is well for now. Macbeth has thrown the most lovely ceremonial banquet and I'm quite delighted to be here to be honest. I think everyone needs a little something to lift their spirits after the events we've encountered. Now if only Banquo would hurry up and get here, it's not like him to be late. Not to worry though, I'm sure he's fine and has a good reason as to why he is not here. Lady Macbeth once stated, "If he had been forgotten, it had been as a gap in our great feast, and all-thing unbecoming." This is not the case with Banquo, for I am more concerned about when we get to dig in to this food! -A.S.

The King Is Dead!!

The king is dead! Oh my, the king has been murdered! Oh cruel world... I just want nothing more than to find the king's murderer and put him to justice. Who could do such a thing? Why would anyone want to kill the king?
Today, we noblemen, King Duncan, and Prince Malcolm visited and toured the castle of Macbeth. The castle was beautiful, high and mighty. It was gentle and calming. Lady Macbeth made a wonderful hostess. I hope for one day that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth will have a child to accompany them in such a lovely castle.                                   -AS  

Malcolm Named Prince??

That's right everyone, Malcolm is now officially the Prince of Cumberland, fit to take the throne after his father. Will he be a good king? Who knows! Being a nobleman, I've been around much of the royalty and to be honest, I'm not quite sure if Malcolm will have what it takes. But not to worry, I'm sure he will figure things out all in good time.                                                              -AS