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Showing posts from March, 2020

The End!

Macbeth has been defeated! We all conjured in the forest, using tree branches for cover, we marched to Macbeth's castle, where he was slain by the all mighty Macduff! Oh what a sight it was, seeing Macbeth's downfall. It was quite satisfying. And then we found that Lady Macbeth had taken her own life. As sad as that is, Scotland's two biggest problems are now kicking up the daisies and no longer reeking havoc. Now that they are out of the way, I cannot wait to see what wonders Malcolm has in store for Scotland. He surely will make a better king than Macbeth and shall make this place the peaceful land that it was before that ratchet Macbeth came along. What a frothy folly-fallen foot-licker he was... But any who! I do believe Malcolm will make a great king and live up to be the great king his father once was. -A.S

Macbeth Must Go

I cannot believe this... Macbeth is a murderer. Our own king, slaying people to get what he wants. The other lords and I had a bit of a chat about this and I gotta say, I'm a bit salty... After all the faith I had in him, clearly I have misplaced my trust. But no longer shall I believe in a man so wicked as him. Something must be done. He's a madman and a bad king and I worry for our safety. Who knows who he'll do way with next! Macbeth must go. -A.S.